

Offered at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Downtown, the Paralegal Studies (PLS) Certificate Program has been 美国律师协会 (ABA)自1978年批准, making it one of the earliest approved programs in a university setting in California. The program curriculum is designed to equip students with a strong foundation of legal knowledge and the ability to 应用 this knowledge to a variety of practical tasks required of the profession. 作为法律专业人士, 律师助理可以采访客户, 进行法律研究, 起草和分析法律文件. 加州大学洛杉矶分校's Paralegal Studies Certificate Program satisfies the requirements of Business and Professionals Code Section 6450. However, paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public except as permitted by law.



  • 有兴趣加入法律服务团队的个人
  • 考虑法学院的个人
  • 想要温习律师助理技能的律师助理


  • 口头和书面沟通能力.
  • 通过体验式学习找到答案和解决问题的技能.
  • 通过写作作业培养批判性思维能力.
  • 诉讼, 事务, 技术技能, 为员工的持续学习创造一个框架.
  • A framework for the knowledge, 技能, and ethical obligations of the paralegal profession.

为了获得律师助理证书, students must complete each of the required six courses (18 units) with a grade of "C" or higher. PLS 7010 Paralegal Internship is optional and not a required course to complete the program.

考察美国法律制度的基本原理. 法律渊源, 程序上的要求, 并探讨律师助理在提供法律服务中的作用.
考察以合同和侵权案件为背景的民事诉讼. 将探讨立案、发现、审前和审前准备.
检查法律研究过程和法律分析和写作的原则. The use of authority, research tools, and effective writing strategies will be explored.
PLS 7004法律技术
检查在提供法律服务中常用的技术. 将探讨文字处理、数据库、电子归档和电子发现.
PLS 7005交易法
考察普通交易法原则. 将探讨合同、业务类型、公司备案和监管形式.
检查州和联邦行政机构. 制定规章, 行政听证, 和普通法地区, 包括移民, 工人的补偿, 失业保险, 税, 探索社会保障制度.
PLS 7010律师助理实习(选修课)
检查知识, 技能, and abilities used in the delivery of legal services through an internship position in a law firm, 法律部门, 政府机构, 或者另一种法律设置. 选择这门课程的学生应该 给Lisa Rauhauser发邮件,项目教师协调员,以获得批准和安置援助. This approval should be obtained the semester before students plan to enroll in the course.

注册 to view/listen to a live OR prerecorded Paralegal Studies Certificate Program webinar.


所有六门必修课程的总费用为5 400美元.

预定课程的费用必须在注册时全额支付, 因为我们不能分期付款.

Federal financial aid is not currently available for the Paralegal Studies Certificate Program.  但是,你可以 应用 申请私人学生贷款.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 and the local Workforce Investment Board (WIB) are working together to ensure that our state has a well-trained and sustainable workforce. 如果你因经济状况不佳而被解雇, 公司关闭, 或者大规模裁员, 你可能有资格获得免费的职业发展培训.

看看你是否有资格参加带薪培训, 联系 your local American Job Center (formerly One-Stop Center) to have them determine your eligibility to receive free training. Be sure to mention that you want to take classes through the College of Professional and Global Education at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 访问 CareerOneStop to find your nearest American Job Center or call 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627) for more information. 

重要的你必须先联系当地的美国就业中心申请并获得批准. Free enrollment in our WIB-approved programs is not available without prior written approval.







The instructor and participants will actively engage in in-person discussions and 讲座, 每周使用Canvas(学校学习管理系统). 要求教师和学生积极参与讨论, 讲座, 和演示.

下一个PLS证书课程提供是2024年秋季. 8月20日开学.  查看/下载 节目时间表.


  • Each course will meet once a week on a designated weeknight within the program term (Spring and Fall).
  • 所有课程都在周一至周四的晚上(6:30至9:15)上课.m.).
  • Most students finish the program within two or three semesters by taking 2-3 of the required classes per term.

2024年秋季入学申请于5月7日开始,2024年7月22日截止(下午5点).m.). 成绩单截止日期为7月22日下午5点.m.).

Prospective participants in the Paralegal Studies Certificate Program must have a baccalaureate degree or an associate of arts or science degree from an accredited post-secondary institution for admission to the program. An associate of applied science degree or an occupational or vocational degree does not satisfy the education requirement. If you do not have a baccalaureate degree or an associate of arts or science degree from an accredited post-secondary institution, please 联系 the College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Program Office for an alternative process.

The program does not permit students to transfer specialty credits from other institutions; nor does the program award legal specialty credit by course challenge, 检查, 或投资组合.

If you completed your undergraduate education at an institution where English was not the primary language of instruction, 你必须提交英语语言能力证明. 国际学术成绩单可以通过翻译 www.atanet.org. You must submit an acceptable TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 550 paper-based or 79-80 internet-based tests (with a minimum Writing sub-score of 24 and Speaking sub-score of 26) to demonstrate English proficiency.

Both the online application and official transcripts reflecting a conferred (awarded) degree must be received by 加州大学洛杉矶分校's College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Program Office. 申请和提交成绩单的截止日期为7月22日(下午5点).m.).

The PaGE Program Office will notify applicants with missing transcripts during the application window via 电子邮件 until official transcripts are received. Applications will be evaluated for program admission when both the online application and sealed official transcripts are received. 您将收到PaGE项目开发人员足彩外围网站入学的电子邮件通知.

向PaGE项目办公室提交正式成绩单时, the document needs to be printed on the issuing institution’s official paper/letterhead and sealed by the institution in an envelope. Opened transcripts are considered unofficial and will not be used for admission review. 所有提交的文件将不会退还给您.

应用 律师助理证书课程.

注意:如果你在申请这个项目时遇到技术上的困难,请 电子邮件 the College of Professional and Global Education 学生服务 Office for assistance.




洛杉矶,CA 90032-8619

如果成绩单没有邮寄到上面列出的地址, 我们的办公室会要求你向你的大学申请另一份正式的复印件.

Prospective students who received their degrees from 加州大学洛杉矶分校 will not need to submit official transcripts but need to indicate their CIN (Campus Identification Number) when 应用ing and creating their PaGE account. Applications cannot be processed if profiles and applications from 加州大学洛杉矶分校 alumni do not contain CINs.

确保收到反映授予学位的正式成绩单, 如果你的学校有这种选择,我们的办公室也接受电子成绩单. 请要求将你的正式成绩单以电子方式发送至:

(323) 343-4915


加入我们的 兴趣列表 了解更多足彩外围网站律师助理证书课程的信息

需要律师助理实习生或雇员的律师事务所,请联系 联系 学院专业和全球教育项目办公室.

有关律师助理学习证书课程的更多信息, 请联系加州州立大学洛杉矶市区外展和招聘部门: (电子邮件保护).