
Person stands pointing at whiteboard containing post it notes and photos. 会议桌上的同事看着她.

加州州立大学洛杉矶市中心分校提供, the Certificate Program in Project Management prepares students with the skills required to effectively plan and manage projects. 课程包括讲座, 案例研究, and hands-on exercises in accordance with the Project Management Institute's (PMI®) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®). 项目完成后, those who qualify will be better prepared to take the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) or Project Management Professional (PMP®) exams offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). 加州大学洛杉矶分校's program fulfills the educational requirement needed to sit for both exams. Achieving PMP certification can help distinguish students as experts in the profession of project management both domestically and abroad.


根据项目管理协会(PMI) 就业增长报告在美国,很多可用的人才已经到了退休年龄. These factors are creating an extraordinarily positive job outlook for skilled project professionals. 到2027年,雇主将需要87个.7 million individuals working in project management-oriented roles. Organizations' need for project talent has accelerated upward since 2016, with a projection of 2.到2027年,每年新增200万个以项目为导向的就业岗位. 在美国.S., 2017 wages of project management-oriented workers in protected industries were far higher on average than wages of non-project-oriented professionals, 平均工资为105美元,000.

Individuals who are either looking to enter the project management field or who al读y manage projects in both the public or private sectors in fields such as engineering, 体系结构, 计算机或高科技领域, 建设, 或者房地产开发也应该报名.

视图 PMP和CAPM认证考试的先决条件.


注册 for a live OR prerecorded Certificate Program in Project Management information session.

The per-unit 成本 of the Certificate Program in Project Management is $300.

The total program 成本 of the Certificate Program in Project Management is: $1,200.


Tuition and fees must be paid prior to the start of classes each term.

Participants are expected to purchase the following mandatory textbooks:

  • 项目管理快进MBA, 第六版(快速前进MBA系列),作者Eric Verzuh (ISBN) 1119700760)
  •  项目管理知识体系,第7版

因为这不是一个学术学位课程, 这个项目没有资格获得经济援助, 奖助金, 和奖学金. We do not offer installment plans but do offer private loans for the program. 如果你对贷款感兴趣,请 应用 申请私人学生贷款.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 and the local Workforce Investment Board (WIB) are working together to ensure that our state has a well-trained and sustainable workforce. 如果你因经济状况不佳而被解雇, 公司关闭, 或者大规模裁员, you may be eligible to receive free career development training.

看看你是否有资格参加带薪培训, contact your local American Job Center (formerly One-Stop Center) to have them determine your eligibility to receive free training. Be sure to mention that you want to take classes through the College Professional and Global Education at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 访问 CareerOneStop 找到离你最近的美国就业中心或打电话 1 - 877 - 2的工作 (1-877-872-5627)查阅更多资料.

重要的: You must contact your local American Job Center for application and approval first. Free enrollment in our WIB-approved programs is not available without prior written approval.







The 项目管理证书 Program will meet in person. 时间表如下. The instructor and participants will actively engage in weekly live discussions, 活动, 和讲座, 并使用Canvas, 加州大学洛杉矶分校的学习管理系统. Program information including the syllabus will be 电子邮件ed to registered participants a week before the program begins. 

有两种方案选择: 周三晚上 or 周六的早上

获得结业证书, students must complete the two courses listed below with a grade of “C” or better for a total of 48 seat hours.




After an initial overview of project management and how it is the most effective means of delivering a product, 服务或, 及时结果, 成本, 资源限制, you will gain a working knowledge of how projects are initiated and planned for. This includes defining and planning the triple constraints of scope, time, and 成本; identifying and planning the project’s risk; as well as planning for quality, 沟通, 采购外包资源和服务.

PMGT 7002 -项目的执行、控制和结束


Once the project planning is complete, it is time to launch your project! This entails ensuring you identify and acquire a high-performing team and leading them to project completion. 风险管理, 问题, 改变需要你利用方法, 实践, 这些工具可以让你, 你的团队, 和利益相关者一起使用数据驱动, 可衡量的, and quantified project status reports to make the most informed decisions. This will be accomplished by learning Earned Value Management which is considered one of the most effective methods for tracking project status and forecasting project results.

注册 星期三晚上的节目.

注册 周六早上的节目.

The College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Program Office team will reach out to students the week the program begins to provide details including the syllabus, 如何访问Canvas的说明, 等.

Classes will meet in person at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Downtown at the listed times and dates noted in the program schedules. The instructor and participants will actively engage in discussions, 和讲座, 并使用Canvas (the University's learning management system).

Note: If you encounter technical difficulties enrolling in this program, please 电子邮件 the College of Professional and Global Education 学生服务 for assistance.

请 读 足彩外围网站的非歧视政策.

加入我们的 兴趣列表 to learn more about the Certificate Program in Project Management.

For more information, please contact the College of Professional and Global Education via 电子邮件 或打电话 (323) 343-4915.